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Mercedes-Benz Sprinter van towing capacity

Find out the Mercedes-Benz Sprinter van towing capacity, its maximum gross towing weight and if it can tow a car, boat or trailer

Everything you need to know about the individual towing capacity and towing weights of a range of van models, including details on how to tow a specific make of van.

If you need to know what can my van tow or see a van towing capacity chart or table then this is the right place. We've got every answer covered from a van with 3.5 tonne towing capacity down to what weight can I tow with a 3.5 tonne van.

There's also information on van tow bars, van towing eye locations and how to tow a van.

Whether you're looking for the towing capacity of a Transit van or finding out how much weight an electric van can tow this towing section is where you'll find it.

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