Home » Peugeot Boxer dimensions

Peugeot Boxer dimensions

This guide to the Peugeot Boxer dimensions will tell you everything you need to know about one of the largest vans on the market.

Famed for its size and adaptability, the Peugeot Boxer is one of the most flexible vans when it comes to its external and internal dimensions. That's why it is one of the most in-demand chassis for use as a motorhome and why you'll find the Boxer being used in all manner of industries from fridge vans and low loaders to Luton vans and motorhomes.

Available in several wheelbase lengths from medium, large and even an extra large, the Peugeot Boxer has size on its side whatever you need to do with it.

This guide will look at the overall Peugeot Boxer length, width and height as well as the dimensions of each individual wheel base. There's also a breakdown of the Peugeot Boxer load volume.

If you need to know about the Peugeot Boxer payload capacity then there's a unique guide just for that. There's also a guide for the Peugeot Boxer towing capacity as well.

So, let's get started with the sizes of the Boxer van and what you spec you can have it in.

Peugeot Boxer length

The Peugeot Boxer is currently available in three lengths. Peugeot calls these L2, L3 and L4. Previously they also produced an L1 version, but we'll skip over that because it wasn't very popular. Length is linked to wheelbase - the wheelbase being the distance between the front and rear axles - and the Boxer actually has two wheelbase lengths but three body lengths. There's a seperate section on wheelbases after the generic guide to the dimensions but after that we'll refer to the sizes as both their Length and Wheelbase as an interchangeable thing. That's why we'll headline each section with the wheelbase but also the length.

The Peugeot Boxer is available in lengths of 5413mm, 5998mm and 6363mm. These are the lengths for the Peugeot Boxer L2 (standard wheelbase), L3 (long wheelbase) and L4 - which used the same long wheelbase but will be henceforth referred to as the extra-long-wheelbase.

Peugeot Boxer width

The Peugeot Boxer width is the same for all models with a standard size of 2050mm excluding the mirrors. This is the total width of the body panels on the van.

The width of the Peugeot Boxer including mirrors is 2690mm.

Peugeot Boxer height

The Peugeot Boxer height is a lot more straight forward than its length, despite there being three van heights. The height of the Peugeot Boxer van is reffered to as H1, H2 and H3.

H1 vans are the short stubby looking ones, whereas an H2 Boxer van is the one you are most likely to find. The H3 is the extra-high model and adds a considerable amount to the storage height.

Here's a list of the individual heights for the Boxer van.

  • Peugeot Boxer H1 height: 2245mm or 2.25m
  • Peugeot Boxer H2 height: 2522mm or 2.5m
  • Peugeot Boxer H3 height: 2760mm or 2.76m

Overall dimensions of Peugeot Boxer van

As you can see the overall dimensions of the Peugeot Boxer van are numerous. In the following sections we will break down the sizes available by individual model. There's also tables to illustrate the sizes and a couple of pictures along the way.

Overall, the Peugeot Boxer has dimensions from 5.4m to 6.4m in length, 2.05m width, and a height from 2.25m to 2.76m.

Peugeot Boxer wheel base sizes

As mentioned before there are just two wheel base sizes for the Peugeot Boxer but the largest van uses the bigger wheelbase to create an even longer van. This is because the largest van has a much larger rear overhang.

The wheelbase lengths available on the Peugeot Boxer are 3450mm and 4035mm. The 3450mm wheelbase is used for the L2 size vans. The 4035mm wheelbase is used for the L3 and L4 models of the Boxer.

What are the Peugeot Boxer MWB medium wheel base dimensions?

Medium wheelbase is a bit of a misleading term, because it is the smallest van available on the Boxer, but since the smallest version is no longer available, the L2 size will have to do. So, while still not the middle, it remains as the medium-size van.

The Peugeot Boxer MWB length is 5413mm or 5.4m and is available in two different roof heights.

The Boxer van can be had in a 2.25m height version or a 2.522m.

Peugeot Boxer L2H1 exterior dimensions

5413mm L x 2050mm W x 2254mm H

Peugeot Boxer L2H1 interior size

3120mm L x 1870mm W x 1662mm H

Peugeot Boxer L2H2 exterior dimensions

5413mm L x 2050mm W x 2522mm H

Peugeot Boxer L2H2 interior size

3120mm L x 1870mm W x 1932mm H

What are the Peugeot Boxer LWB long wheel base dimensions?

The Peugeot Boxer LWD dimensions add around 500mm to the overall length and the maximum load length of the van, when compared to the standard van.

The Peugeot Boxer LWB length is 5998mm or 5.99m and is available in two different roof heights.

The Boxer van can be had in a 2,522m height or a 2,760mm model.

Peugeot Boxer L3H2 exterior dimensions

5998mm L x 2050mm W x 2522mm H

Peugeot Boxer L3H2 interior size

3705mm L x 1870mm W x 1932mm H

Peugeot Boxer L3H3 exterior dimensions

5998mm L x 2050mm W x 2760mm H

Peugeot Boxer L3H3 interior size

3705mm L x 1870mm W x 2172mm H

What are the Peugeot Boxer ELWB dimensions?

The Peugeot Boxer extra-long wheel base model gets all of its extra length from the rear overhang of the van. The L4 Boxer has the same wheelbase length as the L3, so the distance between the front axle and the rear axle are the same. The big difference is in the additional length of the rear portion of the van. There's an extra 365mm of length in the rear overhang. Same wheelbase, but extra length.

Peugeot Boxer L4H2 exterior dimensions

6363mm L x 2050mm W x 2522mm H

Peugeot Boxer L4H2 interior size

4070mm L x 1870mm W x 1932mm H

Peugeot Boxer L4H3 exterior dimensions

6363mm L x 2050mm W x 2760mm H

Peugeot Boxer L4H3 interior size

4070mm L x 1870mm W x 2172mm H

peugeot boxer length, height and width diagram

What is the Peugeot Boxer load volume?

The Peugeot Boxer has a load volume ranging from 10m3 to 17m3 depending on the size of the van.

The smallest model, the L2H1 van has a load volume of just 10m3 which is just slightly larger than the biggest medium van. Where the real volume differences begin is with the additional height that can be offered by these vans. The L2H2 Boxer with the MWB has a capacity of 11.5m3.

Next is the range is the L3H2 with a 13m3 capacity and the L4H2 with a 15m3 loadspace.

An extra high roof makes the van look a bit ungainly but adds a significant amount of space with the L3H3 Boxer large enough to take up to 15m3 load volume. The largest Boxer van for load capacity is the L4H3 with a massive 17m3 capacity.

Is a Peugeot Boxer bigger than a Citroen Relay?

This is currently the largest storage volume of any large van, but the Boxer isn't alone in being able to claim that. The Boxer's siblings, the Citroen Relay, Vauxhall Movano, Fiat Ducato and the Toyota Proace Max all sharing the same dimensions.

There are additional guides to the Citroen Relay dimensions, Fiat Ducato dimensions and Vauxhall Movano dimensions available in the van dimensions section.

Updated: April 21, 2024
Written by: George Barrow

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