Home » News » Kia to unveil new van platform in January

Kia to unveil new van platform in January

December 14, 2023

Kia is set to reveal a new line-up of vehicles at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas next year that will include vans for the first time.

The Korean manufacturer says it "will "redefine the term PBV as ‘Platform Beyond Vehicle’ and officially launch its global PBV business" with the introduction of a future PBV product line-up. However, the definition of what a PBV actually is remains to be seen, and the term Kia van will likely get more traction.

On display will be several PBV concept models, with five vehicles on display at the show. CES is become the launch space for many new tech-focused passenger cars in recent years, so Kia's decision to launch a commercial vehicle at the show is an interesting one. The new Kia vans are expected to be filled with technology and will set the tone for a new direction of vehicles for the ambitious new van manufacturer.

Kia says its PBV is a ‘Total Mobility Solution’ combining fit-for-purpose EVs with advanced software solutions. It says the new platform will open the door to new businesses and lifestyles, namely commercial vehicle models and new passenger focused light commercial vehicle variants. There's also a high probability of a lifestyle variant in the range, with a line-up set to closely mirror that of the Volkswagen ID Buzz. That means we can expect a Kia van people mover, and maybe even a Kia camper van.

CES is huge industry event, so a series of keynote speeches will also be conducted, expanding on the brand’s future PBV business strategies. Kia executives will explain their van strategy and the new van business, giving an indication of where the new Kia light commercial vehicles will be heading.

Kia will explain new dedicated hardware such as Easy Swap and Dynamic Hybrid modularisation technologies, as well as other digital solutions developed under the Hyundai Motor Group. There will also be plans for global partnership integration.

The first PBV, aka Kia van, is scheduled for mass production in 2025 which will include a range of Kia-exclusive PBV technology, differentiating it from its new and expanding line of electric cars.

Written by: George Barrow 

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