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New van market hits three year peak with 5.4% rise

May 7, 2024

Demand for vans has risen by 5.4% in April according to the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT).

A total of 23,889 new vans, 4x4s and pickups were registered, in the month - the highest total since 2021.

Large vans weighing more than 2.5 tonnes to 3.5 tonnes were the most popular with 15,714 new van registrations, up 3.3% on the same month last year. They made up almost two thirds (65.8%) of registrations, while medium-sized vans were the second most purchased. Medium vans grew by 6.8% to 4,611 units.

The biggest percentage increase was resevered for small vans, which were up 41.1% however they still have just a 2.5% share of the market.

Pick-up truck sales rose, by 16.2% to 2,487 units. Deliveries of new commercial 4x4s fell by 17.6% to 473 units.

Electric van sales continued to stall last month, with new battery electric van sales falling to 861 units. That's a drop of 42.4% compared with last year.

As a whole electric vans made up just 3.6% of all new LCV registrations compared with 6.6% in April last year.

Experts predict the new van market to grow by 3.3% to 353,000 units this year. However, the demand for electric vans has been revised downwards from 9.4% to 8.3%.

BEV volumes are still expected to rise by 44.1% in 2024 to 29,000 units.

Speaking about the registrations for new vans, Mike Hawes, SMMT Chief Executive, said, "Britain’s new van market continues to grow with the very latest, more fuel efficient models driving down CO2. Manufacturers are investing billions to bring electric vehicles to market, however, uptake is slowing and urgent action is needed. If government is serious about delivery of its ambitious targets, it must deploy an equally bold strategy for delivering van-suitable public chargepoints across the UK."

Written by: George Barrow 

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